Fried Tomato

85 customer reviews


Fried tomato from Los Palacios with extra virgin olive oil. Gluten free. Lactose free.

365 g


Natural tomato (elaborated with 253 g per 100 g of product), extra virgin olive oil (4%), sugar, onion, pepper and salt.

Nutritional Information (average values per 100 g):

Energetic value 446 kj/107 kcal
Fats 6,5 g (of which Saturated 1,4 g)
Carbohydrates 9,9 g (of which Sugar 4,7 g)
Proteins 2,3 g
Salt 1,6 g

To be kept in refrigerator once opened.
Best before 2 years.


Low heat cooked


Natural products and a traditional recipe.


The production of our products strictly follows a traditional recipe created by our company founder´s grandma, guaranteeing a unique handmade product of maximun quality.

Beside, we want to bet on the merge of tradition and innovation, elaborating green and red tomato marmalades through an innovative and handmade process that meticulously respects cooking times and doesn´t need any kind of thickeners or preservatives.

Both fried tomato and marmalades are cooked over a low heat taking between three and three and a half hours to be made. That implies a slow and suitable reduction of the raw material, obtaining only a 365 g jar of fried tomato for every 1,35 kg of natural tomato.

Pure flavour

Our Tomatos.

From our fields to your table


The raw material we use to elaborate our products comes from our own fields. We  harvest tomato varieties that put flavour ahead of massive production and they are hand-picked in their ideal point of maturing.

Our tomates are the rounded smooth kind, not industrial varieties, what let us get a unique product.

They have the Colective Mark of Los Palacios Tomato and the Global Gap certificate, what certifies good farming habits, caring about the environment and consumer´s wellness, providing our products with a quality emblem.

About the rest of the ingredients, we have fresh vegetables from fields near Los Palacios y Villafranca.

Additional information

Weight 0.365 kg
Dimensions 7 × 7 × 11 cm

85 reviews for Fried Tomato

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  1. Spanish


    Son casi como los caseros. Los mejores que he comprado

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  2. Spanish

    Maite P.


    (0) (0)
  3. Spanish

    Jose Manuel M.

    Excelente calidad. Precio elevado para comercio on line

    (0) (0)
  4. Spanish

    Marisol Ferrer Lopez

    Algo ácido , menos que el 0/0% azúcar pero le falta un poquito para conseguir ese punto de salsa de tomate casera sin acidez . Todo lo demás , textura , color muy bien

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